
I'm Back, and how I got here.

 After an almost one year hiatus from Healthy Gourmet on the Go, I'm back. I quit writing a year ago  after we closed our store and there were two reasons why we did it, one reason that we shared with everyone was that we wanted more time with our little boy and we wanted to expand our family. The other reason that we didn't share is that I was suffering from serious burn out. Twelve years working in the health food industry and seven of those operating our own business had done me in. I was so burned out I had lost my passion for even this, my first love food.

I tried to rekindle my passion in January with another blog called Tofu and Tree Bark but I just couldn't get it rolling. Why am I back now? Because I needed to get back on track and get healthy again and I need something to channel my energy into.

This summer we had the best news. The dream of expanding our family finally became a reality at the end of June, I got my long awaited positive pregnancy test. We were over the moon excited and shared the news with family almost immediately. As the weeks wore on I was compelled to start telling friends but something didn't quite feel right, I was filled with worry.

It eased a bit at my 8 week check up when I got to see our baby and it's little heartbeat for the first time. At 12 weeks we heard the baby's heartbeat on the Doppler and I felt more at ease. We started to tell friends as we ran into them, we ordered our son a shirt proclaiming his only child status would be over this coming March. We dreamed of names and wondered whether we were having a boy or a girl.

I got very sick over Labor Day weekend and when I woke up Tuesday morning I knew something was wrong. I went to see the my doctor and that's when we found out our baby had passed away. I was 14 weeks along.

In the last few weeks I've had a really hard time dealing with things. I've been really sick with complications from the miscarriage and have felt really low. The husband and I both decided that a step in the right direction would be to clean up our diet again and try to be our healthiest for us mentally and physically. I've been cooking up a storm because I've always found it relaxing but I didn't decide to do the blog again until I saw a spot on the Today Show with Martha Stewart. As corny as this sounds she has always been my inspiration in the kitchen and seeing her reminded me of the dreams I once had.

I hope this latest journey back into health can heal me mentally and physically and I hope you find some tasty inspiration to take steps to be your best as well.  

With love,

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