Happy New Year! I'm getting a late start on posting this year because the word around our house for 2014 is routine. We are trying to find our groove and get baby into a bed time routine (we need sleep), get ourselves into a routine at home and in the store to live a more organized life this year, and maybe feel a little less crazy! A big component of our morning routine this year will be green smoothies. My mom got us a Ninja Ultima Blender for Christmas and it is awesome! We had wanted a Vitamix for years but could never justify the price. The Ninja Ultima does everything the Vitamix does except make soup, which I have no use for unless I was to have my jaw wired shut.
Since I have been lacking in sleep I wanted to start off with a simple energizing drink. Wheatgrass is a great natural energizer as well as a great detoxifier and many other great properties listed here.
Many people don't like the taste of wheat grass and the shots can be pricey so I combine it with apple to make it a tasty way to start the day. I also believe scary looking juice should have fun names so I call this one....
Hey you kids get off my Lawn!
1 medium Apple, cut into slices an core removed
1/2 C Fresh Cut Wheat Grass
1/2 to 1 C Bottled Water (depending on desired thickness, due to the amount of fiber you will end up with more of an applesauce with less water)
Put everything in the blender, start it out on low speed then crank it up. Blend for about 2 minutes or until you no longer see chunks.
I left mine pretty thick.
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