When I teach classes or lecture on creating healthy eating habits my number one goal is to make people feel good about the small changes they make to improve their health. I never want people to go home, throw out all their food and feel bad about the choices they have made. I want them to feel empowered with new knowledge going forth to buy healthier version of products as they use them and make changes everyday towards good health.
As some of you know (and many of you don’t) I have an 8 month old baby and I am 32 years old, I run my own health related business, volunteer my time and take my baby to work. So I have a lot in common with Maria Kang, except I still don’t fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes or have six pack abs. When I first saw her picture “What’s your excuse?” like many women it didn't empower me, it made me feel really bad. Why wasn't I back in shape? She is the same age as me, her baby is the same age as mine so I have had just as much time. I felt like a real loser. It did bother me that I am not back in shape. So I read more about her and one thing stuck out that changed my thinking. She only spends one hour a day in the gym. I realized my baby is 251 days old and had I just spent one hour a day in the gym I would have missed 251 hours of his young life. That’s 251 hours of extra snuggles in bed, just holding him gazing into his eyes feeling amazed that I made this! Two Hundred and Fifty-One hours of playing on the floor trying to teach him to crawl, tickling him and dancing, singing silly songs just to see him smile. I would have missed 251 hours of holding him while he slept and dreaming about the man he would become and I wouldn't have given that up for anything, even six pack abs. That is when I realized I don’t have excuses, just a different set of priorities.
My hips, thighs and tummy are squishier than before and that's ok. I'm still breastfeeding and those maternal fat stores are here to help feed my baby. I eat healthy, I am healthy! My workouts include wearing my baby at work, taking him on walks or hikes. I chose to include him in my activities because that is what is important to me. There is plenty of time for six pack abs in my future if I decide that's important. For now I’m not going to let people like Maria Kang make me feel bad, I just realized we have a different set of priorities.
This article is such a perfect way of saying what many of us women are thinking!