We love flax crackers in our house but until recently we only had a round dehydrator that I had to cut parchment paper to fit in the trays to make fruit leather or flax crackers, what a pain! Well we hit the jackpot a couple of weeks ago when a customer sold us an Excaliber dehydrator with the teflex sheets for $5! It looks like its 30 years old but works great! So I've been making flax crackers and chia seed fruit leather for the toddler and the husband. This has been a favorite recipe of ours for years so I decided to share it first, but I'm working on some different flavors and some may show up at Vita-Mart in the near future!
1 C Flax
1 C Water
1 C Tomato 1/4 C Onion
1 clove Garlic
1/2 Jalapeño (more or less depending on desired heat level)
1 tsp Sea Salt
Cut tomato, onion and jalapeño into large chunks. Toss in a food processor or blender with garlic and salt
and process until smooth.
Mix tomato mixture with flax mixture and spread evenly over a teflex sheet lined dehydrator tray (or use parchment paper).
(I forgot to take a pic of this step with this flavor so don't mind the banana chunks in this picture. This is the Banana Bread Flax Cracker Recipe I'm working on.)
If you want your crackers thinner divide mixture between 1 1/2 trays.
Dehydrate mixture at 110 degrees, if you have the option to set a temp, for 4-6 hours until you can pull the cracker (at this point it will be one solid piece) off the teflex sheet and put back on the dehydrator tray. The side that was down on the sheet will still be wet. Keep dehydrating for another 4-6 hours.
Break cracker into pieces and keep in a plastic bag or Tupperware until you eat them all!